But that doesn't prevent me from thinking about sewing!
I ordered 8 Simplicity patterns last night
(One of my favorite pattern shopping websites, sewingpatterns.com had an amazing sale).
Here are my faves:
Simplicity 1277
I think this is a very flattering, versatile dress.
It's sized by cup size for a perfect bodice fit.
For woven fabrics.
Wonder what it would look like in lightweight denim with pleather contrast panels?Hmm.
Simplicity 1285
Truthfully, I got this one just for the cute raglan T-shirts.
I love the neckline!

Simplicity 1283
Love this one! Beautiful pieces, versatile and sized for stretch knits! Double knit, Ponte.

Simplicity 1323
More versatile knit pieces - notice a trend?

Simplicity 1325
And this! Love the basic T-Shirt pattern. The cropped jacket is great for spring/early fall.

These are the fun patterns, the rest are simple, ordinary ones.
Once I match the projects with my fabrics, I will post an update.